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UCSB's CHEMISTY Department has 3 courses with 13 course notes documents available
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All CHEMISTY Courses (3)
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Sample CHEMISTY Documents
Chapter_2_ISM | Spring 2011
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 155
Type: Notes
Professors: bullock
Course Title: CHEMISTY 155
Type: Notes
Professors: bullock
Chemisty 116AL - chloride lab.pdf | Summer 2019
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 116 116
Course Title: CHEMISTY 116 116
3-cross coupling reactions [Autosaved].pdf | Summer 2023
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
2020-fall-exam 1 Rohan.pdf | Summer 2023
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
problem set7-carbene chemistry.pdf | Summer 2023
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
Feel the Burn.pdf | Spring 2011
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 155
Professors: bullock
Course Title: CHEMISTY 155
Professors: bullock
problem set 8 allyl chemistry-key.pdf | Summer 2023
School: UCSB
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232
Course Title: CHEMISTY 232